Lemon is a bright and citrusy fruit that belongs to the Rutaceae family. It is widely known for its tart and tangy flavor, as well as its versatile uses in culinary and non-culinary applications. Here’s a general description of lemons:
Physical Characteristics:
- Color:
- Lemons are typically bright yellow when ripe. However, some varieties may have a slightly orange or greenish hue.
- Size and Shape:
- Lemons are usually oval or elliptical in shape. They range in size, with diameters typically ranging from 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm).
- Texture:
- The skin of a lemon is smooth and firm, and it is often waxed for preservation and appearance. The inner flesh is juicy and divided into segments.
- Seeds:
- Lemons contain seeds, usually found within the segments. Seedless varieties also exist.
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